Bailey’s & Dulce de leche Mocha Cookie & Cream Ice Cream

by Shumaila

If you are like me, then the mention of cookies, alcohol, and ice cream in the same breath would make your eyes brighten up and your mouth drool! That is if the long name doesn’t scare you away!

The idea behind this crazy sounding name came the other day while I was thinking of  how to incorporate the cookies left from the time I made the Mocha Chocolate chip cookies.

Now, during the visit to my grandparents’ place, somebody had invited us for dinner and I had the most amazingly creamy strawberry ice cream- which was homemade and completely eggless. The aunty told it was a fairly simple eggless recipe with equal proportions of milk, cream and milk powder and she adds strawberry crusher which lends the sweetness and flavour to the ice cream. But, I wanted to add the cookies, so I thought I would replace the strawberry crusher with crumbled cookies.

The Bailey’s was something I remember from one of David Lebovitz “no ice cream machine” ice cream. Just before leaving US for my India vacation I got my copy of Room for Dessert and I remember seeing David’s chocolate and banana ice cream that requires no ice cream maker.

Now the thing is I think I am allergic to banana. I think  so because everytime I eat a banana I get this horrible-horrible pain in my stomach. This allergy was never there before. I experienced it for the first time when I was at some one’s place and had taken my banana bread for them. I ate it at night. The next day I had severe pain. Since we had eaten out I thought it was a result of that. But it remained for quite a few days, because I was still eating bananas. Anyway, our home stock of bananas finished and so did the pain. Still it did not strike me. After few days again the same thing and the same happened when my in-laws were there. The only food that was common all these times was banana. So well, I guess I am allergic to it, which kind of sucks because I love banana bread!

So with these two recipes and a little help to get it all together from  here I set out to make my jacked up mocha cookies, dulce de leche ice cream!

Dulce de leche (pronounced DOOL-say day LAY-chay) is Spanish for “milk candy”. It tastes quite like caramel but with the additional taste of cooked milk. (Technically, dulce de leche is a type of caramel.) It’s often used in liquid form as a sauce for ice cream, cakes, cookies, just about anything that needs a sweet topping. In solid form, it is most often eaten as a tasty candy.

The ice cream turned out more like mocha cake batter ice cream.-probably because of the soggy cookies that I had used. Anyway, that wasn’t a problem. Only problem that I had was that it was melting too soon. Homemade ice creams are generally more soft than store bought- they have the soft serve consistency. But this one was melting way too fast. It is really hot here but still not so much that a ice cream can’t behave itself for a few minutes. I guess it could be the alcohol level that did not allow the ice cream to freeze too much. The person, whose original recipe I used, does not add alcohol and has a very creamy ice cream thanks to the milk powder in the recipe. And since I added alcohol, as well as the milk powder, it might have changed the science behind freezing the ice cream. I, actually like my ice cream melted. So I wasn’t complaining, but my mom likes her ice cream “ice cream consistency” (which she couldn’t get because the tub had been out for quite a while as I was busy clicking some photographs). She loved the taste though.

The melted ice cream did make a darn good adult cookie and cream shake! But next time I would skip the cognac and see how that works.

Bailey’s & Dulce de Leche Mocha Choc Chip Cookie Ice cream

Adapted from various sources


  • 1 cup milk powder
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 cup cream
  • 6 tbsp Bailey’s irish creme
  • 1 tbsp cognac (optional, see notes above)
  • 1 cup Dulce de leche (recipe here)
  • 12-15 mocha chocolate chip cookie, crumbled


  1. In a bowl, mix together milk powder, milk and cream. Add the Bailey’s and cognac. In a blender, mix all together for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Put blender jar uncovered in freezer till the ice cream is just about set, about 2 hours.
  3. Add the Dulce de leche and the mocha chocolate chip cookies to the almost set ice cream, and put back in the freezer to set for another 3-4 hours.


  • Strawberry Ice cream: You could substitute the dulce de leche, cookies and alcohol with strawberry crusher and get an extremely creamy ice cream. Recipe will follow soon! You could also add mango puree or any other fruit pulp. Go wild!
  • You could also use any other cookies on hand. Oreos substitute well.
  • I have a strong feeling, even if you leave the alcohol behind this ice cream would still be creamy and smooth, plus that ways you can serve it to your kids as well!