Target and Bruno

I am not a cat person. Show me one and I will not ooh, aah over it. I don’t know why that happens- maybe its some past life thing. But, show me a dog, and you bet I will like it, unless he is jumping to bite me. Then, I am more likely to be peeing in my pants. Not to be taken literally though- I stopped that way back. Honest.

So when our front door neighbors got a pup, I was delighted.

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For lunch: Spicy Garlic Mushroom Soup

V loves Indian food. He prefers it to all other cuisines. And unlike me, he is not too experimental with his food. Give him dal chawal (a rice and lentil Indian dish) 365 days of the year (366, in case its a leap year), he will be a satisfied customer.

So, when I decide to make something that would be defined “experimental” in his dictionary, I have to do a lot of planning. I have to mentally prepare him for it so that he is not caught by surprise. And if its a vegetable he doesn’t like, my task is made that much more difficult.

Now, V is not particularly crazy about mushrooms.

And if V is not particularly crazy about something, that thing will not get anywhere near him.

I, on the other hand, love mushrooms. And, alas, me being ‘the quintessential Indian wife’ (barf!) that I am, mushrooms don’t feature on our grocery list.

Well, 9 out of ten times they don’t.

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Garam Masala Tuesdays & Guest Post for Ram Pyaari: Lotus Root Curry

The other day, when my friend Ram Pyaari asked me to do a guest post for her blog, I was more than thrilled.

Imagine, someone else wants my random blabbering on their blog, and that too, someone who is the author of an upcoming book (translation: knows what writing is all about, unlike me who just goes on and on in unwinding sentences, mostly boring people with my mundane housewife life.)

Yup, I was beyond thrilled. Of course, a few seconds later I had nervous sweat beeds all over my face.

If I am writing on a writer’s blog– I have to do a really good post. And there was this 50 kg load on my brain- and I was busy scouting for ideas that would result in an interesting blog post- worthy enough to be put on a writer’s blog. But then Ram Pyaari assured me its my random blabbering that she wants on her blog, along with a recipe of course.

Poor thing, what can I say, she really did ask for it!

So, there I was thinking what I could guest post about.

My first thought was to share my experience of the first thing I made at my in-laws place right after I got married- halwa!

What a disaster it was!

Luckily, my in-laws weren’t at home when the kitchen catastrophe happened and more luckily enough, their cook was, who came to my rescue and made a great halwa. I masqueraded that as mine and scored brownie points! Well, actually I did not. The honest-me could not take credit for someone else’s work and told them the truth. Well, we all had a good laugh. They liked that I made an effort in the kitchen, knowing very well I had not cooked at all before. Yup, I did score brownie points after all!

But, then today when I started writing the guest post, I wanted to write something else. Also, I had made this lotus root curry that I wanted to post about for Garam Masala Tuesdays. So, I scrapped the original plan and since Ram Pyaari’s book revolves around arranged marriages I thought I’ll tell my “arranged” marriage story today.

Head over to Ram Pyaari’s blog for the story !

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Recipe Swap: Triple M Sandwich Cookies- Molasses, Masala & Marshmallows

About two weeks back I stumbled upon Christianna’s site, and not only did I find a great blog, I also found out about this thing that she has going on, called the Recipe Swap.

The idea for the Recipe Swap was born out of a Vintage cookbook find by Christianna. Christianna decided to make her own recipes inspired by those in the cookbook. She also got a bunch of talented bloggers in on the idea and now, the recipe swap has been on for eight months, each month the bloggers dishing out absolute delights that showcase their creativity.

I am thankful to Christianna to let me be a part of this really talented group and to push me into being a little more creative every month!

Do visit the other Recipe Swappers: Dennis, Toni, Christianna, Alex, Lora, Lindsay, Mari, Crissy and Lauren, Pola, Jamie, Claire, Shari, Joy, Monique, Linda, Priya, Rachel, Alli, Katy, Emily, Krissy and Jaclyn. In case you want to know a little more about everyone and the Swap do visit the swap page.

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Cooking for one: Egg Fried Rice

So, I made the mistake of watching a cooking show just before lunch time.

Yes, V again did not come home for lunch.

Little knickknacks or a quick sandwich would not do now. (My maggi packets are over so those of course were out of the question).

I really think God takes my requests way too seriously.

I remember last week I was cribbing that I am just too busy with stuff, and have to rush with lunch everyday and envying my friends whose husbands don’t come for lunch, thus don’t have to be bothered with cooking. (I am a horrible wife, I know). And God just took my cribbing too seriously and decided to give into my demand.

They rightly say, be careful what you wish for, it might just come true!

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Fig & Date Nut Torte

Thank god V is not a weather man. If V says its not going to rain, it surely will. If he says there’s going to be a massive downpour, it is going to probably be the hottest day ever. It’s now a joke. If I want to be sure of the weather, I just ask him to look into his heart and tell me whether it will rain or not. Whatever he says, I expect the opposite.

Coming to think of it, I think he should be a weather man. He should just say opposite of what he feels and he will do great as one!

So, when he said today that its going to be a really hot day and there won’t be any rain nor any clouds, I was positive it will rain and I was right!

And when it poured, I missed the date nut torte I had last week. How I wish I had a slice of it to eat and enjoy the rain! As I had not posted a recipe last time when I mentioned it, I thought what better day to post about it. Coincidentally, its my Mom-in-law’s birthday in India today and this goes out to her as well!

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PB’s garlic noodles

I don’t know how people cook for one. The day I know V is not coming home for lunch, I don’t bother making anything and just heat a packet of Maggi noodles and leave it at that.

Ok, a thing about me. I adore maggi like anything. I have, in the past, kissed maggi packets to show how much I love them and have begged them to never leave me.

Ok that’s not true- I exaggerate!

Or maybe not!

The truth?

Keep guessing!

But, one thing is for definite- I looooove Maggi noodles!

I have had maggi piping hot, mildly hot, cold, and even raw and I have loved it every way! Maggi for me is comfort food at its best and those who haven’t tried it- you have my sympathies with you.

And, those who have tried and don’t like it- I don’t know what to say.

I don’t want to be rude but I don’t think I am too fond of you!

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Garam Masala Tuesdays: Aam Panna

The weather is really confusing. It gets  quite pleasant at night, but during the day its HOT and humid, making it impossible to do anything. And to have a house that has no AC, just swamp coolers to cool you off, the humidity can be your worst enemy.

And when, your husband’s office decides to choose this as the perfect time to not send your husband home for lunch, you become too lazy to cook anything.

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Learn how to turn a kitchen failure into a Success: Macaron Cake

Some are good at finance.

Some are better at marketing.

Some have an artistic bent.

I, on the other hand, have been struggling to find out what I am good at it.

And till recently, I was clueless.

I know I am a decent baker, but to say I am great at it, would be a stretch right now.

Thanks to this blog though, I have realized what my thing is.

My thing is…

*drum roll*



I am a problem solver!

Yup that’s my thing and that’s why God, the Almighty, keeps throwing these problems at me.

He is like,  

(For actual effect, imagine a figure in an angelic white robe with an ethereal aura talking in a god like tone saying this)

“Child, I know you are good at this and that’s why I give problems to you.”



So, you see, that’s my thing.

God keeps giving me problems. And I keep solving them :)!

Case in point:

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Celebrating First Blogiversary with tartlets & a Giveaway!

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