September Daring Bakers’ Challenge: Croissants

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Chicken Enchiladas

September is every couch potato’s dream month- season and series premiere galore time!

The last two weeks have seen a season premiere everyday. It has also seen me running up and down the house with a gleam in my eye, shouting ‘XYZ show is premiering today‘.

Of course, I will not mention that I am dancing in all Glee-like performances while exclaiming that.
Nope, I won’t.

Ahmm..Moving on.

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Blueberry Mini Cakes

When I was staying in a hostel (during my college years), I really used to look forward to my visits home.

Home was comfortable, no studies to worry about, no cleaning to do, no hostel food to crib about. Instead there was mom fixing one great meal after another, dad there to take care of every small work of yours, no money problem- perfect time and place to rejuvenate yourself before getting back to the usual grind.

Since hostel food was a regular rant during my conversations with mommy dearest, when it was time for me to come home during college breaks, my mom would religiously ask me, ‘what do you want to eat on your first day back?’

I had a peculiar request besides the rajma chawal and butter chicken on the menu.

I would request my mom to bake a vanilla cake, and here is where the peculiarity and specifity of the request shone- the cake had to be baked the day I come. The reason- that ways the whole house smells of freshly baked goodness when I enter the house.

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Garam Masala Tuesdays: Okra “Bhindi” cooked in Onions

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She’s back!

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Red Wine Granita

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Red Wine Poached Pears

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The last two weeks of travel and food..

En route Grand Canyon @ Flagstaff, AZ

Yaki Point, South Rim Grand Canyon

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GMT: Chicken do-piaza with a Twist!

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An Apple a Day: The Heritage Cook’s Apple Crisp for September SRC

With fall just around the corner and the apple picking season on in orchards in Arizona, V and I thought of showing my parents to the Apple Annie’s orchard in Willcox this Sunday.

Sunday being lazy days, made us doubt our decision to go (it was a two hour drive to the orchard and we are lazy people). But our experience last year to the orchard and the near-by vineyard was so much fun that we decided we must show them the place before my dad leaves on Wednesday for India.

To kick start the apple-y mood, and to make space for the freshly picked apples we would bring back from the orchard, I decided to make apple crisp from the store bought ones in my refrigerator.

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